About us House of Friendship of Nations The Standard Foundation Committee King Daniel of Galicia Institute School of Polish Language and Culture "Polonus"
Youth exchanges We invite you to participate in short-term (usually 5-14 days) international youth exchange projects, realized by the "East-West Mutual Understanding" Association in Europe and Asia, as well as in the Republic of Poland. To participate in exchanges we invite people living in
Poland. It does not matter citizenship and it is not necessary to permanent
check-in. It is important to place of actual residence on Polish territory. Youth exchange projects are co-financed by European programs "Erasmus+", "Youth in Action" and other international funds. As a result, in most cases the participants did not incur any costs of participation. Details about the recruitment and participation in the project are in each vacancy notice. Information about youth exchange in 2015 Youth exchange in Latvia (Sigulda and Salacgriva on the Baltic Sea) - 18-31 July 2015 - 13 days - Poland, Latvia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Italy Youth exchange in Latvia (Ergeme) - 5-17 July 2015 - 12 days - Poland, Lithuania, Latvia Youth exchange in the Czech Republic (Nachod) - 26 July - 1 August 2015 - 6 days - Poland, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic Detailed information of the above-mentioned projects of youth exchanges available in Polish. Information about the vacancies for the next international youth exchange projects will be placed on our website and on Facebook page of the "East-West Mutual Understanding" Association. |
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(c) 2010-2015
"East-West Mutual Understanding" Social-Cultural Association
(Polish: Stowarzyszenie Spoleczno-Kulturalne
"Porozumienie Wschod - Zachod")
Office in Wroclaw: ul. Jarnoltowska 5,
54-530 Wroclaw, Poland (House of Friendship of Nations)
Office in Olawa: ul. Kamienna 4, 55-200 Olawa, Poland. Legal address: Gac
53, 55-200 Olawa, Poland.
President of the Association:
Blazej Zajac. Phone:
603-176-186. E-mail: pwz@pwz.org.pl
Facebook: http://facebook.com/porozum
Vkontakte: http://vk.com/vzaimoponimanie
Motto: "For Fraternity and Reconciliation of Nations"