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House of Friendship of Nations

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King Daniel of Galicia Institute

School of Polish Language and Culture "Polonus"

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Mission and goals of the "East-West Mutual Understanding" Association

About us

The "East-West Mutual Understanding" Social-Cultural Association is a non-profit, apolitical, non-governmental organization established in 2010 in Lower Silesia region, Poland, by young people in Olawa and Wroclaw. The activity of the organization has spread over other regions in Poland and abroad. In 2015 we celebrate the 5th anniversary of our activity.

Mission and goals

The mission of the Association is to build mutual understanding, dialogue and solidarity between nations living in the East and West of Europe and the world - between Latin and Byzantine cultural space.

An understanding between simple people and whole nations, built on mutual trust and respect is our goal. A dialogue based on understanding and respect for distinctiveness and each of us national and cultural identity. We believe that, the reconciliation shall be built on a truth, memory about the past and mutual, sincere forgiveness and not encumbering new generations with their ancestors’ faults.

We strive to construct solid reconciliation between Polish people and neighboring nations: Ukrainian, Russian, Belorusian and Lithuanian, as well as all nations from post-Soviet space so divided by the fate of history.

We wish the wounds of the past between our nations be cured by forgiveness. So that religious and political leaders are brave to say: we forgive and ask for forgiveness. First of all, we wish simple citizens of our countries managed to respect, understand, make a friendship and trust each other.

We base our mission on lessons of the Polish-born Pope Saint John Paul II, his successors in Holy See and on the lessons of Orthodox Patriarchs about the necessity of brotherhood and reconciliation, mutual understanding, dialogue and respect between Christians in the East and West, as well as all nations in Europe and in the world.

We ask the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Nikolaos the Wonderworker, the patron of reconciliation between East and West, to care for our Association. In everyday activities we have in mind the holy icons of Our Lady in the Gate of Dawn in Vilnius and Black Madonna in Czestochowa. In these two places both Catholics and Orthodox very strongly praise Mother of God, asking her for God’s mercy and protection.

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(c) 2010-2015 "East-West Mutual Understanding" Social-Cultural Association
(Polish: Stowarzyszenie Spoleczno-Kulturalne "Porozumienie Wschod - Zachod")
Office in Wroclaw:
ul. Jarnoltowska 5, 54-530 Wroclaw, Poland (House of Friendship of Nations)
Office in Olawa: ul. Kamienna 4, 55-200 Olawa, Poland. Legal address: Gac 53, 55-200 Olawa, Poland.
President of the Association: Blazej Zajac. Phone: (+48) 603-176-186. E-mail: pwz@pwz.org.pl
: http://facebook.com/porozum Vkontakte: http://vk.com/vzaimoponimanie
Motto: "For Fraternity and Reconciliation of Nations"